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Week 9 Post 3: Tools Reflection

When I took a look at the list of tools for this week, I was happy to see that I had used every single one. On a regular basis, I use WhatsApp, Slack, and GroupMe almost every day to communicate with either family, gym community, or other groups for resources in town. While I have extensively used Miro, it is still a tool I am learning to be more creative in. My designs on it have been basic for the most part, but I have seen some really cool designs from others.  When I think about it all, there are so many tools available for varying usage. There are many online platforms starting to incorporate groups which has been helpful for creating community. Online communities are becoming a norm, and I am interested in seeing the direction it will take over the next decade. 
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Week 9 Post 2: The social Library

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Week 9 Post 1: Teacher Support Communities

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7 Post 3: Tool Exploration

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7 Post 2: Take Aways from "Tweet me, message me, like me..." Article

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Week 6 Post 3: To Future Me

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