For the blog this week, the first article that caught my attention is "Open Educational Resources : Enabling universal education." In the article, it was my first time learning about OpenCourseWares (OCWs), which are online resources that provide access to educational materials from courses in universities (Cite here). This initiative was not one that I was aware of, but is a great development that was initiated by MIT. I do support the availability of course materials for all the people who lack the resources to purchase some of those materials, those who may not be able to access them in person, and the global learners who want access to them.
Distance education is becoming increasingly popular and has more affordances than traditional education. With the ability to access education anywhere, and the availability of wifi, we can continue to expand our education through online learning environments. With additions of movements such as OCWs, we are making social impacts in supporting the idea of universal education. The Declaration of Human Rights supports also provides support for this notion and should inspire universities worldwide (beyond the current numbers) to start sharing educational sources for learners everywhere to access.
Learning is a fundamental human ability that needs to be exercised to continue the path toward intellectual enlightenment. While there may be consequences for providing access to all, this access could be a catalyst for change as we continue to live and develop on the planet. Some of the brightest minds on earth sometimes lack the proper resources to expand education on what we currently know. The universal education movement will continue to make progress, and I believe this will help us solve several research questions or problems and make new discoveries.
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