Today I had the chance to explore several sites that contained information about how to start a blog. As this is my first week posting on a blog, I have been nervous about how I am doing. As a result, I went to my reliable friend google for assistance. After looking through several sites, I found a blog site that made me want to read more on how to start or maintain a blog. To be honest, the real catch for me was how simple yet aesthetically pleasing the blogger had this site organized. So already I realized that I need to think about the ways in which I want my page to be organized and showcased.
In this link, Carley shares her 8 tips on how to successfully blog. While I will not get into details on the tipis, I wanted to share a couple of the ones that stood out to me primarily. One of the main take aways out of the tips for me was to create content and have a publishing schedule. I think this will be helpful in helping me be organized while I go through the weekly contents especially when it comes to things that interest me throughout the readings. The other take away for me was just to remember the why for starting this blog. Though it is required for the course, I need to remember that this offers me the space to share my thoughts regarding the various topics we explore. I can sometimes get in my head about what to say but it really should stem from my subjective reactions. Knowing this has somehow alleviated the pressure I felt from the beginning and understanding the structure of this course.
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